Songwriting Courses

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dealing With Distractions

Do you ever feel like you're distracted by every thing in the world, but you don't know how to cope with it? I know I do, every day in fact, and this is going to be the focus of this article.

I'm just now starting to realize how much I sound like a broken record when it comes to just about everything, but it's one thing to go around telling people that you're going to do this, or that you're going to do that, but actually doing those things is a whole different story.As a person with A.D.D., I've come up with a system for dealing with these sorts of issues.

First off, I usually ask myself "If I could do only 1 or 2 things that would really make a difference today, what would those things be?" Then I write them down, along with a few other things that I don't want to do, but still have to get done.

The main issue here is to prioritize, but as long as I get those few main things done for the day, I'm pretty happy, and I know that I'm headed in the right direction. The other things that are on my list are just sort of secondary, and can be put off till tomorrow, or whenever, but it's just a nice feeling if you happen to get those done as well.

Second, this may not work for everybody, but I find myself so distracted that I take drugs! Nothing illegal of course, but things like caffiene really improve concentration. You'd be surprised how much coffee I get through in a day, but as long as it doesn't affect others, there are some addictions that can be deemed ok. Chamomile tea also helps, but be warned, this can also make you sleepy, so drink in combination with something caffinated.

Last but not least is my secret weapon. Fish Oil. I take supplements that can be found in any pharmacy, as buying fish is pretty expensive, but the vitamins and omega 3's in fish oil definitely have some affect on your concentration. Don't believe me? Just give it a try!

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